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Basic usage

The simple arithmetic function: add shown below takes two int arguments, x and y, and returns their sum.

int add(int x, int y)
  return x+y;

Running CN on the example produces an error message:

cn verify exercises/add_0.c
[1/1]: add
exercises/add_0.c:3:10: error: Undefined behaviour
return x+y;
an exceptional condition occurs during the evaluation of an expression (§6.5#5)
Consider the state in /var/folders/\_v/ndl32rvc8ph0000gn/T/state_393431.html

CN rejects the program because it has undefined behaviour according to the C standard, meaning it is not safe to execute. CN points to the relevant source location, the addition x+y, and paragraph §6.5#5 of the standard, which specifies the undefined behaviour. It also includes a link to an HTML file with more details on the error to help in diagnosing the problem.

Inspecting this HTML report (as we do in a moment) gives us possible example values for x and y that cause the undefined behaviour and hint at the problem: for very large values for x and y, such as 1073741825 and 1073741824, the sum of x and y can exceed the representable range of a C int value: 1073741825 + 1073741824 = 2^31+1, so their sum is larger than the maximal int value, 2^31-1.

Here x and y are signed integers, and in C, signed integer overflow is undefined behaviour (UB). Hence, add is only safe to execute for smaller values. Similarly, large negative values of x and y can cause signed integer underflow, also UB in C. We therefore need to rule out too-large values for x and y, both positive and negative, which we do by writing a CN function specification.

First function specification

Shown below is our first function specification, for add, with a precondition that constrains x and y such that the sum of x and y lies between -2147483648 and 2147483647, so within the representable range of a C int value.

int add(int x, int y)
/*@ requires let Sum = (i64) x + (i64) y;
             -2147483648i64 <= Sum; Sum <= 2147483647i64; @*/
  return x+y;

In detail:

  • Function specifications are given using special /*@ ... @*/ comments, placed in-between the function argument list and the function body.
  • The keyword requires starts the precondition, a list of one or more CN conditions separated by semicolons.

  • In function specifications, the names of the function arguments, here x and y, refer to their initial values. (Function arguments are mutable in C.)

  • let Sum = (i64) x + (i64) y is a let-binding, which defines Sum as the value (i64) x + (i64) y in the remainder of the function specification.

  • Instead of C syntax, CN uses Rust-like syntax for integer types, such as u32 for 32-bit unsigned integers and i64 for signed 64-bit integers, to make their sizes unambiguous. Here, x and y, of C-type int, have CN type i32.

  • To define Sum we cast x and y to the larger i64 type, using syntax (i64), which is large enough to hold the sum of any two i32 values.

  • Finally, we require this sum to be between the minimal and maximal int values. Integer constants, such as -2147483648i64, must specifiy their CN type (i64).

Running CN on the annotated program passes without errors. This means that, with our specified precondition, add is safe to execute.

We may, however, wish to be more precise. So far, the specification gives no information to callers of add about its output. To describe its return value we add a postcondition to the specification using the ensures keyword.

int add(int x, int y)
/*@ requires let Sum = (i64) x + (i64) y;
             -2147483648i64 <= Sum; Sum <= 2147483647i64;
    ensures return == (i32) Sum;
  return x+y;

Here we use the keyword return, which is only available in function postconditions, to refer to the return value, and we equate it to Sum as defined in the precondition, cast back to i32 type: that is, add returns the sum of x and y.

Running CN confirms that this postcondition also holds.

One final refinement of this example. CN defines constant functions MINi32, MAXi64, etc. so that specifications do not need to be littered with unreadable numeric constants.

int add(int x, int y)
/*@ requires let Sum = (i64) x + (i64) y;
             (i64)MINi32() <= Sum; Sum <= (i64)MAXi32();
    ensures return == (i32) Sum;
  return x+y;

Two things to note: (1) These are constant functions, so they require a following (). And (2) The type of MINi32() is i32, so if we want to use it as a 64-bit constant we need to add the explicit coercion (i64).

Error reports

In the original example, CN reported a type error due to C undefined behaviour. While that example was perhaps simple enough to guess the problem and solution, this can become quite challenging as program and specification complexity increases. Diagnosing errors is therefore an important part of using CN. CN tries to help with this by producing detailed error information, in the form of an HTML error report.

Let’s return to the type error from earlier -- add without precondition -- and take a closer look at this report. It comprises two sections:

CN error report *CN error report*

Path to error. The first section contains information about the control-flow path leading to the error.

When checking a C function, CN examines each possible control-flow path individually. If it detects UB or a violation of user-defined specifications, CN reports the problematic control-flow path as a nested structure of statements: the path is split into sections that group together statements between high-level control-flow positions (e.g. function entry, the start of a loop, the invocation of a continue, break, or return statement, etc.); within each section, statements are listed by source code location; finally, per statement, CN lists the typechecked sub-expressions, and the memory accesses and function calls within these.

In our example, there is only one possible control-flow path: entering the function body (section "function body") and executing the block from lines 2 to 4, followed by the return statement at line 3. The entry for the latter contains the sequence of sub-expressions in the return statement, including reads of the variables x and y.

In C, local variables in a function, including its arguments, are mutable, their addresses can be taken and passed as values. CN therefore represents local variables as memory allocations that are manipulated using memory reads and writes. Here, type checking the return statement includes checking memory reads for x and y, at their locations &ARG0 and &ARG1. The path report lists these reads and their return values: the read at &ARG0 returns x (that is, the value of x originally passed to add); the read at &ARG1 returns y. Alongside this symbolic information, CN displays concrete values:

  • 1073741825i32 /* 0x40000001 */ for x (the first value is the decimal representation, the second, in /*...*/ comments, the hex equivalent) and

  • 1073741824i32 /* 0x40000000 */ for y.

For now, ignore the pointer values {@0; 4} for x and {@0; 0} for y.

These concrete values are part of a counterexample: a concrete valuation of variables and pointers in the program that that leads to the error. (The exact values may vary on your machine, depending on the SMT solver -- i.e., the particular version of Z3, CVC5, or whatever installed on your system.)

Proof context. The second section, below the error trace, lists the proof context CN has reached along this control-flow path.

"Available resources" lists the owned resources, as discussed in later sections.

"Variables" lists counterexample values for program variables and pointers. In addition to x and y, assigned the same values as above, this includes values for their memory locations &ARG0 and &ARG1, function pointers in scope, and the __cn_alloc_history, all of which we ignore for now.

Finally, "Constraints" records all logical facts CN has learned along the path. This includes user-specified assumptions from preconditions or loop invariants, value ranges inferred from the C-types of variables, and facts learned during the type checking of the statements. Here -- when checking add without precondition -- the only constraints are those inferred from C-types in the code:

  • For instance, good<signed int>(x) says that the initial value of x is a "good" signed int value (i.e. in range). Here signed int is the same type as int, CN just makes the sign explicit.

For an integer type T, the type good<T> requires the value to be in range of type T; for pointer types T, it also requires the pointer to be aligned. For structs and arrays, this extends in the obvious way to struct members or array cells.

  • repr<T> requires representability (not alignment) at type T, so repr<signed int*>(&ARGO), for instance, records that the pointer to x is representable at C-type signed int*;

  • aligned(&ARGO, 4u64), moreover, states that it is 4-byte aligned.

Another arithmetic example

Let’s apply what we know so far to another simple arithmetic example.

The function doubled, shown below, takes an int n, defines a as n incremented, b as n decremented, and returns the sum of the two.

int doubled (int n)
  int a = n+1;
  int b = n-1;
  return a+b;

We would like to verify this is safe, and that doubled returns twice the value of n. Running CN on doubled leads to a type error: the increment of a has undefined behaviour.

As in the first example, we need to ensure that n+1 does not overflow and n-1 does not underflow. Similarly a+b has to be representable at int type.


We encode these expectations using a similar style of precondition as in the first example. We first define N as n cast to type i64 — i.e. a type large enough to hold n+1, n-1, and a+b for any possible i32 value for n. Then we specify that decrementing N does not go below the minimal int value, that incrementing N does not go above the maximal value, and that n doubled is also in range. These preconditions together guarantee safe execution.

To capture the functional behaviour, the postcondition specifies that return is twice the value of n.


Quadruple. Specify the precondition needed to ensure safety of the C function quadruple, and a postcondition that describes its return value.

int quadruple (int n)
  int m = n + n;
  return m + m;

Abs. Give a specification to the C function abs, which computes the absolute value of a given int value. To describe the return value, use CN’s ternary "_ ? _ : _" operator. Given a boolean b, and expressions e1 and e2 of the same basetype, b ? e1 : e2 returns e1 if b holds and e2 otherwise. Note that most binary operators in CN have higher precedence than the ternary operator, so depending on your solution you may need to place the ternary expression in parentheses.

int abs (int x)
  if (x >= 0) {
    return x;
  } else {
    return -x;