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Imperative Queues

A queue is a linked list with O(1) operations for adding things to one end (the "back") and removing them from the other (the "front"). Here are the C type definitions:

struct queue {
  struct queue_cell* front;  
  struct queue_cell* back;

struct queue_cell {
  int first;  
  struct queue_cell* next;

A queue consists of a pair of pointers, one pointing to the front element, which is the first in a linked list of queue_cells, the other pointing directly to the last cell in this list. If the queue is empty, both pointers are NULL.

Abstractly, a queue just represents a list, so we can reuse the List type from the list examples earlier in the tutorial.

predicate (datatype List) QueuePtr_At (pointer q) {
  take Q = Owned<struct queue>(q);
  assert (   (is_null(Q.front)  && is_null(Q.back)) 
          || (!is_null(Q.front) && !is_null(Q.back)));
  take L = QueueFB(Q.front, Q.back);
  return L;

Given a pointer to a queue struct, this predicate grabs ownership of the struct, asserts that the front and back pointers must either both be NULL or both be non-NULL, and then hands off to an auxiliary predicate QueueFB. Note that QueuePtr_At returns a List -- that is, the abstract view of a queue heap structure is simply the sequence of elements that it contains. The difference between a queue and a singly or doubly linked list is simply one of concrete representation.

QueueFB is where the interesting part starts. (Conceptually, QueueFB is part of QueuePTR, but CN currently allows conditional expressions only at the beginning of predicate definitions, not after a take, so we need to make a separate auxiliary predicate.)

predicate (datatype List) QueueFB (pointer front, pointer back) {
  if (is_null(front)) {
    return Nil{};
  } else {
    take B = Owned<struct queue_cell>(back);
    assert (is_null(;
    assert (ptr_eq(front, back) || !addr_eq(front, back));
    take L = QueueAux (front, back);
    return Snoc(L, B.first);

First, we case on whether the front of the queue is NULL. If so, then the queue is empty and we return the empty sequence.

If the queue is not empty, we need to walk down the linked list of elements and gather up all their values into a sequence. But we must treat the last element of the queue specially, for two reasons. First, since the push operation is going to follow the back pointer directly to the last list cell without traversing all the others, we need to take that element now rather than waiting to get to it at the end of the recursion starting from the front. Second, and relatedly, there will be two pointers to this final list cell -- one from the back field and one from the next field of the second to last cell (or the front pointer, if there is only one cell in the list), so we need to be careful not to take this cell twice.

Accordingly, we begin by take-ing the tail cell and passing it separately to the QueueAux predicate, which has the job of walking down the cells from the front and gathering all the rest of them into a sequence. We take the result from QueueAux and snoc on the very last element.

The assert (is_null( here gives the CN verifier a crucial piece of information about an invariant of the representation: The back pointer always points to the very last cell in the list, so its next field will always be NULL.

Finally, the QueueAux predicate recurses down the list of cells and returns a list of their contents.

predicate (datatype List) QueueAux (pointer f, pointer b) {
  if (ptr_eq(f,b)) {
    return Nil{};
  } else {
    take F = Owned<struct queue_cell>(f);
    assert (!is_null(;  
    assert (ptr_eq(, b) || !addr_eq(, b));
    take B = QueueAux(, b);
    return Cons{Head: F.first, Tail: B};

Its first argument (f) starts out at front and progresses through the queue on recursive calls; its b argument is always a pointer to the very last cell.

When f and b are equal, we have reached the last cell and there is nothing to do. We don't even have to build a singleton list: that's going to happen one level up, in QueueFB.

Otherwise, we take the fields of the f, make a recurive call to QueueAux to process the rest of the cells, and cons the first field of this cell onto the resulting sequence before returning it. Again, we need to help the CN verifier by explicitly informing it of the invariant that we know, that cannot be null if f and b are different.

Now we need a bit of boilerplate: just as with linked lists, we need to be able to allocate and deallocate queues and queue cells. There are no interesting novelties here.

extern struct queue *malloc_queue();
/*@ spec malloc_queue();
    requires true;
    ensures take R = Block<struct queue>(return);

extern void free_queue (struct queue *p);
/*@ spec free_queue(pointer p);
    requires take P = Block<struct queue>(p);
    ensures true;

extern struct queue_cell *malloc_queue_cell();
/*@ spec malloc_queue_cell();
    requires true;
    ensures take R = Block<struct queue_cell>(return);

extern void free_queue_cell (struct queue_cell *p);
/*@ spec free_queue_cell(pointer p);
    requires take P = Block<struct queue_cell>(p);
    ensures true;

Exercise: The function for creating an empty queue just needs to set both of its fields to NULL. See if you can fill in its specification.

#include "./headers.h"

struct queue* empty_queue ()
  struct queue *p = malloc_queue();
  p->front = 0;
  p->back = 0;
  return p;

The push and pop operations are more involved. Let's look at push first.

Here's the unannotated C code -- make sure you understand it.

#include "./headers.h" 

void push_queue (int x, struct queue *q)
  struct queue_cell *c = malloc_queue_cell();
  c->first = x;
  c->next = 0;
  if (q->back == 0) {
    q->front = c;
    q->back = c;
  } else {
    struct queue_cell *oldback = q->back;
    q->back->next = c;
    q->back = c;

Exercise: Before reading on, see if you can write down a reasonable top-level specification for this operation.

One thing you might find odd about this code is that there's a return statement at the end of each branch of the conditional, rather than a single return at the bottom. The reason for this is that, when CN analyzes a function body containing a conditional, it effectively copies all the code after the conditional into each of the branches. Then, if verification encounters an error related to this code -- e.g., "you didn't establish the ensures conditions at the point of returning -- the error message will be confusing because it will not be clear which branch of the conditional it is associated with.

Now, here is the annotated version of the push operation.

#include "./headers.h" 
#include "./push_lemma.h" 

void push_queue (int x, struct queue *q)
/*@ requires take Q = QueuePtr_At(q);
    ensures take Q_post = QueuePtr_At(q);
            Q_post == Snoc (Q, x);
  struct queue_cell *c = malloc_queue_cell();
  c->first = x;
  c->next = 0;
  if (q->back == 0) {
    q->front = c;
    q->back = c;
  } else {
    struct queue_cell *oldback = q->back;
    q->back->next = c;
    q->back = c;
    /*@ apply push_lemma (q->front, oldback); @*/

The case where the queue starts out empty (q->back == 0) is easy. CN can work it out all by itself.

The case where the starting queue is nonempty is more interesting. The push operation messes with the end of the sequence of queue elements, so we should expect that validating push is going to require some reasoning about this sequence. Here, in fact, is the lemma we need.

lemma push_lemma (pointer front, pointer p)
      ptr_eq(front, p) || !addr_eq(front, p);
      take Q = QueueAux(front, p);
      take P = Owned<struct queue_cell>(p);
      ptr_eq(front, || !addr_eq(front,;
      take Q_post = QueueAux(front,;
      Q_post == Snoc(Q, P.first);

This says, in effect, that we have two choices for how to read out the values in some chain of queue cells of length at least 2, starting with the cell front and terminating when we get to the next cell following some given cell p -- call it c. We can either gather up all the cells from front to c, or we can gather up just the cells from front to p and then snoc on the single value from c.

When we apply this lemma, p will be the old back cell and c will be the new one. But to prove it (by induction, of course), we need to state it more generally, allowing p to be any internal cell in the list starting at front and c its successor.

The reason we need this lemma is that, to add a new cell at the end of the queue, we need to reassign ownership of the old back cell. In the precondition of push, we took ownership of this cell separately from the rest; in the postcondition, it needs to be treated as part of the rest (so that the new back cell can now be treated specially).

One interesting technicality is worth noting: After the assignment q->back = c, we can no longer prove QueueFB(q->front, oldback), but we don't care about this, since we want to prove QueueFB(q->front, q->back). However, crucially, QueueAux(q->front, oldback) is still true.

Now let's look at the pop operation. Here is the un-annotated version:

#include "./headers.h"

int pop_queue (struct queue *q)
  struct queue_cell* h = q->front;
  if (h == q->back) {
    int x = h->first;
    q->front = 0;
    q->back = 0;
    return x;
  } else {
    int x = h->first;
    q->front = h->next;
    return x;

Exercise: Again, before reading on, see if you can write down a plausible top-level specification. (For extra credit, see how far you can get with verifying it!)

Here is the fully annotated pop code:

#include "./headers.h"
#include "./pop_lemma.h"

int pop_queue (struct queue *q)
/*@ requires take Q = QueuePtr_At(q);
             Q != Nil{};
    ensures take Q_post = QueuePtr_At(q);
            Q_post == Tl(Q);
            return == Hd(Q);
  /*@ split_case is_null(q->front); @*/
  struct queue_cell* h = q->front;
  if (h == q->back) {
    /*@ assert ((alloc_id) h == (alloc_id) (q->back)); @*/
    int x = h->first;
    q->front = 0;
    q->back = 0;
    /*@ unfold Snoc(Nil{}, x); @*/
    return x;
  } else {
    int x = h->first;
    /*@ apply snoc_facts(h->next, q->back, x); @*/
    q->front = h->next;
    return x;

There are three annotations to explain. Let's consider them in order.

First, the split_case on is_null(q->front) is needed to tell CN which of the branches of the if at the beginning of the QueueFB predicate it can "unpack". (QueuePtr_At can be unpacked immediately because it is unconditional, but QueueFB cannot.)

The guard/condition for QueueFB is is_null(front), which is why we need to do a split_case on this value. On one branch of the split_case we have a contradiction: the fact that before == Nil{} (from QueueFB) conflicts with before != Nil from the precondition, so that case is immediate. On the other branch, CN now knows that the queue is non-empty, as required, and type checking proceeds.

When h == q->back, we are in the case where the queue contains just a single element, so we just need to NULL out its front and back fields and deallocate the dead cell. The unfold annotation is needed because the snoc function is recursive, so CN doesn't do the unfolding automatically.

Finally, when the queue contains two or more elements, we need to deallocate the front cell, return its first field, and redirect the front field of the queue structure to point to the next cell. To push the verification through, we need a simple lemma about the snoc function:

lemma snoc_facts (pointer front, pointer back, i32 x)
      take Q = QueueAux(front, back);
      take B = Owned<struct queue_cell>(back);
      take Q_post = QueueAux(front, back);
      take B_post = Owned<struct queue_cell>(back);
      Q == Q_post; B == B_post;
      let L = Snoc (Cons{Head: x, Tail: Q}, B.first);
      Hd(L) == x;
      Tl(L) == Snoc (Q, B.first);

The crucial part of this lemma is the last three lines, which express a simple, general fact about snoc: if we form a sequence by calling snoc to add a final element B.first to a sequence with head element x and tail Q, then the head of the resulting sequence is still x, and its tail is snoc (Q, B.first).

The requires clause and the first three lines of the ensures clause simply set things up so that we can name the various values we are talking about. Since these values come from structures in the heap, we need to take ownership of them. And since lemmas in CN are effectively just trusted functions that can also take in ghost values, we need to take ownership in both the requires and ensures clauses. (Taking them just in the requires clause would imply that they are consumed and deallocated when the lemma is applied -- not what we want!)

(The only reason we can't currently prove this lemma in CN is that we don't have takes in CN statements, because this is just a simple unfolding.)

Exercise: Investigate what happens when you make each of the following changes to the queue definitions. What error does CN report? Where are the telltale clues in the error report that suggest what the problem was?

  • Remove assert (is_null(; from InqQueueFB.
  • Remove assert (is_null(; from InqQueueAux.
  • Remove one or both of occurrences of free_queue_cell(f) in pop_queue.
  • Remove, in turn, each of the CN annotations in the bodies of pop_queue and push_queue.

Exercise: The conditional in the pop function tests whether or not f == b to find out whether we have reached the last element of the queue. Another way to get the same information would be to test whether f->next == 0. Can you verify this version? Note: I (BCP) have not worked out the details, so am not sure how hard this is (or if it is even not possible, though I'd be surprised). Please let me know if you get it working!

Exercise: Looking at the code for the pop operation, it might seem reasonable to move the identical assignments to x in both branches to above the if. This doesn't "just work" because the ownership reasoning is different. In the first case, ownership of h comes from QueueFB (because h == q->back). In the second case, it comes from QueueAux (because h != q->back).

Can you generalize the snoc_facts lemma to handle both cases? You can get past the dereference with a split_case but formulating the lemma before the return will be a bit more complicated.

Note: Again, this has not been shown to be possible, but Dhruv believes it should be!